Basic Level Computing
This course will help you to get start in the latest Computer based Technologies. No prerequisites required.
Scratch Programming
Amazing Platform to start your coding skills. You will learn how to apply algorithms, develop games and animated stories.
Website Development
By this course you will be able to develop fully responsive websites. The course will be taught from basics to advanced level.
Python Programming
One of the most powerful languages, you will learn to develop real world projects and automation. Basics to advanced level course.
Our Work
Click on the video to watch the projects made by our students. After joining our online one-to-one courses, you can also build the same.
Course Features
These courses will help you to develop your computational thinking processes and develop your logic which in turn will assist you to learn any future programming languages and other futuristic technologies. If you want your dream job or work as a freelancer, these courses will surely help you to progress on your career path.
One-to-One Online Classes
Get live one to one online mentorship. MyKarma will guide you to do the practicals and will assist you to do it in a right way.
- This will help you to get full personal guidance.
- Reduces time & expense on transport & ensures COVID-19 safety precautions.
Weekly Online Tests and Assignments
Weekly tests and quizzes will be conducted to check the performance which will aid to get the insights of students' SWAT analysis.
Based on the performance and the grasping power analysis, the course will be conducted helping the students to get the maximum benefit out of the course. Assignments and Home Works will be given to give them the way to explore and gain more experience by doing more hands-on practice.
Develop Games and make Real World Projects
The above mentioned courses will not only build up your fundamental concepts but will also prepare you to make real world projects and games which could help to get you a job/improve your profile.
- Real World Projects will make your concepts crystal clear.
- You can showcase your hand-crafted projects on social network.
- It will give you a sense of pride and make you passionate for newer technologies.
Get Course Certificate
At the end of the course, you will be given a Certificate of Achievement for completing the course.
You can showcase you Course Certificate on social networks like Linkedin which could add the feather in your cap. This can help you to have a professional edge with a certificate in hand and practical experience in mind.